Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Eagle has Landed

Well 13 hours in the car yesterday and I finally made it, not with standing the fortune in tolls I paid yesterday. It's bad enough gas is 4.00 or more a gallon, but then I get ass hammered with a friggin million tolls.

But the good news is I am home again and we are a happy family again. I have a list of things to accomplish before I check into work, and I have already started. Of course the wireless is up and running in the house already, I'll go out and get a grill today and have the tv and surround sound working by the end of the day.

Dawn has done a great job on the house it looks really great, the most amazing part is the amount of space we have now, this place is friggin huge.

1 comment:

overtly trite said...

glad you are home safe!!!