Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Last night my mother in law asked me what I was thankful for 2008. It took a second to think about, was it going to shore duty, moving to Chicago (ha ha), the new job? Nope, nope and Nope.

Oddly enough it was my diagnosis of Diabetes, believe it or not.. Since I have been diagnosed I have lost 60 lbs since last December, for the first time in a long time I am comfortable, my Navy Physical run time is down to a mile and half in 11.50, fastest for me in my entire 19 years, and I don't look like a blob in my pictures.

Funny thing about being a diabetic, when I found out in May, I went through many different emotions from being scared to pissed. In fact thinking back it was just scared and pissed, scared about would I be able to stay in the Navy, would I die, what would I eat to how would I go on?

I am happy to say that being a diabetic is not the end of the world, but rather for me a new beginning. Yeah it sucks not being able to eat some stuff I used to love (egg nog has like 35g of sugar) bust mostly I had to cut my portions down and just steer clear of other foods all together. Once I got a hold of my eating the daily pricking of my finger, I enjoy statistical tracking of my blood sugar, now runs about 100-110 a day and you can have fun plotting it on excel. The funny part is how others act around you when they find out you are a diabetic. Some people treat you like a freak, others like you deserve your own handicap sticker, readers.... I am here to tell you that if you eat right and take care of yourself, most of us will be fine.

So back to 2008, it's been a great year, we moved from the Sunshine to the Snow as my dear wife calls it and have moved into the best house we have ever had. I am glad, for us as a family, my wife and daughters deserve this house, they have given up so much for me to run around the world, a payoff like this is exactly what they should have. I love my new job, taking care of the kids (young Sailors) is more rewarding than I ever figured would be, now I have to finish getting my degree in the odd off chance I get out in 2 years.

Dawn and I hit the magic 15 this and didn't do much for our anniversary, I hope to fix that this year with a trip that I hope she will like. Lindsey is growing up quick and Emily is right on her ass, it seems like when Lindsey does something, Emily does the same. I love them both very much and no matter how much all of my women drive me crazy I wouldn't want my life any different.

If it wasn't for my sister I would have never started this blog, so you can blame her if you hate what I write. I wish I spent more time with you, I hope to get better with that this year. If plans work right, in the next few years we'll be allot closer.

Thanks for reading my blog, I wish you a Happy New Year and a great 2009.


overtly trite said...

happy new year!

freediabetesinfo said...

you can live normal life with diabetes , all you need to do is follow doctor's recommendations and fight with it darely